We are dedicated to listening to our partners regarding features that would make their jobs easier. Here are our feature enhancement highlights from this year in 2024.
Financial Management
- E-Check Refunds: Added functionality to refund E-Check payments within all orders on the Sports Connect Association Platform.
- Event Manager Refund by Quantity: Refunds now return the purchased quantity to inventory, making it available for others to purchase.
- Event Manager Update: Immediate Payment Capturing: Payments for orders are now captured immediately, and registrants are instantly notified if payment is rejected.
- New Admin Report: Unique Admins by Belonging Seasonal Year: Enables org-level users to report on unique admins for a full seasonal year.
- OIM Remittance Report at Org Level: Introduced an organization-level Online Invoice Management remittance report.
- Tournament Ineligibility Report: Allows tournament directors to view ineligible participants or teams.
- New Security User Report: Provides detailed insights into security users on their Organizations platform.
- Team Activation Status in Tournament Level Reports: Added a unified view of team activation status for tournament directors.
- Addition of Certifications to Team Admin Detail All Fields Report: Expand Team Admin Detail All Fields reporting capabilities to include certifications.
User Experience & UI Updates
- Sunsetting of Classic View: Enables streamlining further UI updates for the Sports Connect Association platform.
- Team, Admin, and Player Lookup UI Updates: Improved the look and feel for a more intuitive experience.
- Mobile UI Modifications:
- Association/Event/Tournament/Referee Tabs: Tabs are now accessible in portrait orientation on mobile devices.
- My Account Menu: Accessible in portrait orientation on mobile devices.
- Team Tab UI Updates: Improved interface for easier navigation and usability.
- Change Login Modification: Users can navigate between their assigned security tabs within one profile using a single change login dropdown menu.
Scheduling & Tournament Management
- Multiple Field Availability Windows Per Day: Users can set multiple availability windows per day per field, enhancing scheduling flexibility.
- Late Fee Configuration Date in Tournament and Gaming Module: Added a configurable late fee setting.
- Canceled/Postponed Game Status Enhancements:
- Statuses now appear in the Mobile Enhanced Schedule and Stack Officials Menu.
- When games are rescheduled they will automatically move back to the “Scheduled” status and send email notifications to relevant parties.
- Hide Red/Yellow Cards on Public Schedule: Tournament directors can choose to hide disciplinary items from the public.
- Hide Game Stats by Flight in Mobile Enhanced Schedule: Enables tournament directors to control public visibility of game stats by flight.
- Ical Added to Mobile Enhanced Schedule Presentation: Facilitates schedule integration into personal calendars.
- Home/Away Teams Labeled in Mobile Enhanced Schedule Presentation: Clearly identifies home and away teams.
- Games Played Column in Mobile Enhanced Schedule Presentation: Displays the number of games played.
- Reschedule Report: Simplifies tracking and managing rescheduled games.
- New Tournament Application Status – In Progress: Introduces a status to track applications under review.
- Dynamic Redlining for Game Day Rosters and Digital Player Cards: This enhancement allows Tournament Directors to dynamically apply redlines to admins on Game Day Rosters and Digital Player Cards based on configurable settings.
- Show/Hide Team Contact Information in Mobile Enhanced Schedule Presentation: Adds a configuration option for the ability to display or hide team contacts to the public within Mobile Enhanced Schedule Display.
- Digital Player Cards for Activated Teams Only: Restricts digital player card visibility to activated teams only.
Event Management
- Event Manager Multi-Page Registration Flow: Streamlines the registration process across multiple pages.
- Event Manager Custom Field Upload: Allows form uploads within Event Manager, with admin-level download capabilities.
Authentication & Security
- Single Sign-On for ASM: Simplifies the login process for users re-affiliating with state associations.
Communication Enhancements
- Tournament Dashboard Bulletin Board: Provides a centralized hub for tournament updates and enhancements.
- Email for Referee Assignor in Stack Officials Menu: Facilitates direct communication with referee assignors and knowledge for the Tournament Director to know exactly where they have shipped the games to our Stack Officials software.